Glossop and Longdendale Archaeology Society (1)
Glossop and Longdendale Archaeology Society (5)

GLAS Meetings

Usually, meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month - though none in January or August

Tuesday 4 March 2025 19:30

The History of Avro and my story

A presentation by Steve Abbot

Steve has had a lifelong connection with Avro, working there and setting up the Avro Heritage Museum based at Woodford. This is an amazing museum all about the Avro company and the history of aircraft in the area and well worth a visit.

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 4 February 2025 19:30

The Tavoliere project

A presentation by Keri and Terry Brown

A joint talk about their project in Northern Apulia, Southern Italy. The analysis of the data is finished...

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 3 December 2024 19:30

Christmas party

A quick AGM (election or reelection of the committee) followed by a social evening with food, drink, quizzes and raffle

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 12 November 2024 19:30

The Shiloh Road dig

An update from Peter Noble

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Sorry, no meeting this month..

...unless you'd like to come and help or just visit the site at Shiloh Road, where we've made some good progress and some interesting finds.

Dig site with buckets
Tuesday 4 June 2024 19:30

A social meeting

with discussion of progress and plans

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 7 May 2024 19:30

A Heritage and Culture Strategy for the High Peak

Joanne Blunt

Joanne is the Arts, Culture and Heritage Officer for High Peak Borough Council and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, and will talk about the future of heritage in the High Peak.

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 2 April 2024 19:30

The History of the Avro Company

Steve Abbot

Steve Abbot, the archivist at the Avro Museum in Woodford, Stockport has kindly agreed to give us a talk about the history of the Avro company, their museum at Woodford and the development of aircraft over the last 100 years.

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 5 March 2024 19:30

Prehistoric Grange Farm, Mottram

Kevin Wright

A presentation about the fantastic prehistoric Grange Farm site at Mottram. Kevin will bring along and discuss some of the finds and also show a 3D photogrammetry projection of a feature in their current trench

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 6 February 2024 19:30

Mayhills Cairn, Luzley

Malcolm Maddock

A previously unknown cairn in Luzley, a hamlet between Ashton-under-Lyne and Mossley. The discovery of a bronze age funerary urn and subsequent lab work.

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 5 December 2023 19:30

Christmas Party

Quizzes! Raffles! A chocolate tombola!

Starting with a buffet at 7:30, for those who Sue has included on her list - Please contact Sue!

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 7 November 2023 19:30

The changing landscape of ancient DNA in the study of mummified remains.

Dr. Konstantina Drosou

Ancient DNA is revolutionising our understanding of mummified remains from Egypt, Nubia, and Peru.

This presentation delves into the strengths and limitations of this area of research, including the need to find a balance between scientific curiosity and ethical considerations.

Konstantina Drosou is a principal investigator specialising in Evolutionary Genomics. She is programme director and lecturer in the MSc Biomedical Egyptology, based at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology where she is the Director of the human ancient DNA clean room facilities.

at Charlesworth and Chisworth Cricket Club, 28 Marple Road (A626), SK13 5DA

Tuesday 3 October 2023 19:30

Recent Early Bronze Age Discoveries

Peter Noble

A talk about excavations carried out by GLAS on two newly discovered Bronze Age sites, as well as looking at the surrounding Bronze Age landscape and the sites found there.

at Charlesworth and Chisworth Cricket Club, 28 Marple Road (A626), SK13 5DA

Tuesday 5 Sept 2023 19:30

Annual General Meeting and Talk(?)

at Charlesworth and Chisworth Village Club, 28 Marple Road (A626), SK13 5DA

Tuesday 6 June 2023 19:30

Meeting cancelled due to double-booking at the pub

Tuesday 2 May 2023 19:30


Roger Hargreaves

The Joint Management Agreement with Historic England - a look at what that agreement says and what the implications are both for the fort and for GLAS

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 4 April 2023 19:30


** This meeting was cancelled, and never actually happened! **

Tuesday 7 March 2023 19:30

Henge monuments

Dr. Seren Griffiths

Henge monuments - Ireland and Britain in the late fourth and third millennia BC, the time of Stonehenge

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 7 February 2023 19:30

Roger, on the cremation burials at Mouselow Quarry, which have now been confirmed as early/middle Bronze Age in date.

at The Bluebell Wood

Tuesday 1 November 2022 19:00-21:00

Annual General Meeting and talk

Re-election of Officers & Committee, Finances, Subscriptions

Also a talk by Peter Noble on a recent dig of a Bronze age cairn, and a collection of flints and stones to be presented by Tim Campbell-Green

The committee would like to hear from members what they think the Society ought to be doing from here on.

at Charlesworth and Chisworth Village Club, 28 Marple Road (A626), SK13 5DA

Thursday 1 September 2022 11:00-13:00

A guided tour of Castleshaw Roman Fort and the monastic Grange

led by Norman Redhead

meet at Castleshaw Centre Car park, Waterworks Rd, Delph OL3 5LZ

(This is the rescheduled event, postponed by a heat wave)

Sunday 10 July 2022 10:00

A walk round Old Glossop village, focussing on the industrial archaeology

Guided by Roger Hargreaves

meet at Manor Park car park. Corn St, Glossop SK13 8QE

July onwards 2020

Ongoing Covid 19 issues

No meetings arranged yet

Pubs are not allowed to open yet, and various members are vulnerable. But when meetings are eventually arranged, we'll post something about them!

April - June 2020

Covid 19

No meetings

Social distancing, while we all try to survive this pandemic.

Monday, 2 March 2020 19:30


Norman Redhead talk about the Castleshaw Hinterland Survey and lessons for Melandra

at The Bluebell Wood

4 February 2020 19:30


Melandra - its importance, its archaeological potential, and ideas about future work, in the near and long term.

With Adam Thompson of Salford University

at The Bluebell Wood

3 December 2019 19:30

Christmas Social get-together

With a quiz

at The Bluebell Wood

5 November 2019 19:30

Community dig near Melandra

A discussion of the issues involved in mounting a bigger (possibly two-week) dig in 2020 in association with Salford CfAA, who would apply for Heritage lottery funding.

Members may express an interest in taking part and also say what times of year they might be available and for how long, also what they would want or be prepared to do.

As this will be a well-publicised community dig in a very accessible location, there will be a particular need for volunteers to engage with the public and maintain site safety and security.

at The Bluebell Wood

1 October 2019 19:30

Glossop parish workhouse

A talk by Roger on workhouses, particularly the Glossop workhouse and it's first building, dating from 1835.

at The Bluebell Wood

3 September 2019 19:30


A.G.M. and discussion of recent test pitting near Melandra - what was found, what wasn't found, and what future plans might be made.

at The Bluebell Wood

August 2019

No Meeting!

2 July 2019 19:30

Slideshow & Social meeting

This month we've decided to have a social evening so we can have a chance to have a natter. There will also be informal presentations of Mike Brown's old slides of Melandra circa 1966, photo's from our recent test pitting exercise and our recent Lightside field walk.

at The Bluebell Wood

4 June 2019 19:30

Tribal boundaries

Some new theories

by Paul Brotherton

at The Bluebell Wood

7 May 2019 19:30

A series of short items

chaired by Roger Hargreaves:

  • Arrangements for Melandra test-pitting
  • an update on Melandra
  • Arrangements for a field walk to Lightside
  • the evidence for settlement at Lightside
  • Bennet's Mills
  • Roman road research status, with possible field walks.

at The Bluebell Wood

2 Apr 2019 19:30

Dating soil sediments

Dr. Abi Stone, Department of Geography, Manchester University

Dr. Abi Stone is a senior lecturer in physical geography and her research uses portable optically stimulated luminescence (pOSL) to understand and date soil sediments. This is a particularly useful dating method for sites where no organic remains survive for radiocarbon dating eg. where acidic soil conditions destroy bone (like here!).

at The Bluebell Wood

5 Mar 2019 19:30

The Folkton Drums

Dr Anne Teather

Anne and her husband Professor Andrew Chamberlain presented details of their recent paper on the enigmatic Folkton Drums. These are three elaborately decorated chalk cylinders found with a child's burial within a barrow in Folkton, Yorkshire. It is believed they date from the late Neolithic/early Bronze Age. The purpose of these artefacts has always been up for discussion but it appears Anne may have found the answer.

at The Bluebell Wood

5 Feb 2019 19:30

The Poulton Project

Dr Kevin Coutes - Site Director at Poulton Research Project.

Poulton, in Cheshire West, is a multi-period site that could be one of the most amazing Iron Age sites in England, with finds from prehistoric, Roman and medieval times as well as numerous skeletons from around the site of a medieval chapel.

at The Bluebell Wood

4 Dec 2018 19:30

Christmas party

at The Bluebell Wood

6 November 2018 19:30

Ian Sanders

Cold War facilities in the North-West

at The Bluebell Wood

2 October 2018 19:30


Roger Hargreaves

A brief summary of what's known about the site, the excavation history, a precis of GLAS's involvement, and an outline of current issues.

at The Bluebell Wood

4 September 2018 19:30


Roger Hargreaves

With a discussion of possible archaeological dig at Melandra

It was suggested that we should apply for permission to do some test-pitting on non-scheduled land - for which we'd need permission from the local council as landowner.

This may then be followed with a full archaeological dig in collaboration with Salford Archaeology, if grant applications can be successfully made.

at The Bluebell Wood

3 July 2018 19:30

No meeting

Football (the World Cup) took over the pub!

5 June 2018 19:30

Hawkshead Mill, Old Glossop

Paul Beckmann

A talk on research into WW1 munitions production at Hawkshead Mill, Old Glossop.

at The Bluebell Wood

1 May 2018 19:30

Glossop Halls Project

Roger Hargreaves presentation

With particular emphasis on the heritage value of the Town Hall. The 180th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone is in June, and an announcement is due about replacement of the roof.

at The Bluebell Wood

22 Apr 2018 10:30

Brown Hill, Whitfield walk

A walk, the primary aim of which is to look at what appears to be a prehistoric (probably IronAge/Romano-British) field system on the slopes of Brown Hill

See the Brown Hill page

3 Apr 2018 19:30

Glossop Curiosities

Tim Campbell-Green will be talking about the Whitfield Cross

at The Bluebell Wood

Rescheduled from February

6 Mar 2018 19:30

Anne Teather talk on Prehistoric Orkney

at The Bluebell Wood

6 Feb 2018 19:30

Cancelled due to snow

Glossop Curiosities

- a talk by Tim Campbell Green

at The Bluebell Wood

2 Jan 2018

No meeting

9 Dec 2017 10:30

Cancelled due to snow

Brown Hill, Whitfield walk

A walk, the primary aim of which is to look at what appears to be a prehistoric (probably IronAge/Romano-British) field system on the slopes of Brown Hill

5 Dec 2017 19:30

Christmas party

at The Bluebell Wood

19 Nov 2017 10:30am

A guided walk to see Mouselow and Hadfield village centre, and consider possible archaeological investigations.

See Mouselow project page and Hadfield project page

7 Nov 2017 19:30

Tin Town Talk

A talk on "Tin Town", the temporary town created for the workforce on the Derwent dams, by John Searle.